Does God Control My Body?
By Paige Farber '23
On September 1st, 2021, the State of Texas commenced the law,
Relating to abortion, including abortions after
detection of an unborn child’s heartbeat;
authorizing a private civil right of action.
This Act shall be known as the Texas Heartbeat Act.
SECTIONA2.AA The legislature finds that the State
of Texas never repealed, either expressly or by
implication, the state statutes enacted before
the ruling in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973),
that prohibit and criminalize abortion unless
the mother’s life is in danger.
The effects and consequences of this act are leading the United States of America one step closer to becoming a totalitarian state. By definition, Totalitarianism is a form of government that prohibits all opposing ideas and political political parties. It prohibits individual opposition to the State and controls both public and private life. Totalitarianism is an extreme form of authoritarianism. Do we want our contemporary society to become one where we risk the lives and success of intelligent women—or all women, for that matter?
On one hand, the religious beliefs of others are taken into consideration, a fact that many citizens greatly appreciate; however, a line must be drawn when implications are pressed onto others, as in scenarios like this one. When the act was passed, a twelve-year-old girl who had been raped multiple times by her father was counseled by The SAFE Alliance, an alliance created to assist survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, as well as child abuse. Most women do not start showing, and may not be aware they are pregnant, until sixteen to twenty weeks after conception, so how can a twelve-year-old girl be expected to notice? Luckily, the young girl was able to receive help because the rape had occurred before September 1. Had that not been so, her life would have been in great danger.
We cannot accept the excuse that religion is the reason for this act. The government should not be allowed to control the bodies of women, especially if this control involves a nonconsensual pregnancy. The law also mentions that exceptions will not be made for those who are victims of sexual assault, or rape, regardless of the age of the victim. We can be fooled by arguments that take a religious perspective. It is irrelevant to consider the Gospel and love your neighbor. This is where pro-choice plays a large role in what should be the standard for our society. We must keep available the option to have an abortion. If we do not, the health and lives of women are put at risk. A 1976 report attributed 39 deaths to illegal abortions because it was so difficult to receive a legal one. During that same year, 130,000 illegal abortions occurred. We must make a change. We can no longer accept any form of excuse or defense. It is time to let women have control over their own bodies.